Home » Archives for May 2010
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djepok on Thursday, May 27, 2010Wednesday, May 26, 2010Monday, May 17, 2010Wednesday, May 12, 2010Saturday, May 8, 2010Thursday, May 6, 2010

Not to be mistaken as the successor to last year's N97, the N900 succeeds the Nokia N800 Internet tablet.
As Nokia's current flagship phone, the N900 is the first of its kind to support the new Maemo 5 platform. In terms [...]
More about → N900
Posted by
djepok on Thursday, May 27, 2010Wednesday, May 26, 2010Monday, May 17, 2010Wednesday, May 12, 2010Saturday, May 8, 2010Thursday, May 6, 2010

WHEN I first read the press release for the Nikon Coolpix P100, I was immediately attracted to it. Like a nail to a magnet, I was drawn to the idea of having its DSLR-like manual modes to play around with, the lengthy [...]
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Posted by
djepok on Thursday, May 27, 2010Wednesday, May 26, 2010Monday, May 17, 2010Wednesday, May 12, 2010Saturday, May 8, 2010Thursday, May 6, 2010

Business users looking for more than what a netbook can provide should check out what Lenovo's ThinkPad X100e has to offer.
THE latest ThinkPad X100e is more of an entry-level ultraportable notebook than a netbook.
Instead [...]
More about → Lenovo X100e: The little red Thinkpad
Posted by
djepok on Thursday, May 27, 2010Wednesday, May 26, 2010Monday, May 17, 2010Wednesday, May 12, 2010Saturday, May 8, 2010Thursday, May 6, 2010

Last year was one of the most discouraging for PC makers as consumers hit hard by the recession started pinching their pennies.
But 2010 saw a big reversal of last year's decline: Gartner released data on Tuesday that [...]
More about → Netbook, laptop sales growth biggest in 8 years
Posted by
djepok on Thursday, May 27, 2010Wednesday, May 26, 2010Monday, May 17, 2010Wednesday, May 12, 2010Saturday, May 8, 2010Thursday, May 6, 2010

Google's Nexus One not only looks the part but comes with enough firepower to make it a serious contender for the iPhone 3GS crown.
ONE thing's for sure, having Google's Nexus One around will surely make you stand out [...]
More about → Nexus One
Posted by
djepok on Thursday, May 27, 2010Wednesday, May 26, 2010Monday, May 17, 2010Wednesday, May 12, 2010Saturday, May 8, 2010Thursday, May 6, 2010

A FEW years ago, Nokia came out with a full Qwerty smartphone that rivalled the likes of the BlackBerry in functionality and ease of use.
In fact, the E71 remains hugely popular amongst working professionals for its push [...]
More about → Nokia E72
Posted by
Masifud on Thursday, May 27, 2010Wednesday, May 26, 2010Monday, May 17, 2010Wednesday, May 12, 2010Saturday, May 8, 2010Thursday, May 6, 2010
Ehm.... Btw My post first in english talk about Indonesia Furniture Handicraft Wholesale Marketplace. Many people in the world Only know Bali now indonesian is famous in the world. Not Only Bali with beach Sanur, Kute And Other Now Komodo Island enter [...]
More about → Buy Indonesian Furniture Handicraft, Its Very Cheap
Posted by
djepok on Thursday, May 27, 2010Wednesday, May 26, 2010Monday, May 17, 2010Wednesday, May 12, 2010Saturday, May 8, 2010Thursday, May 6, 2010

Kejuaraan Djarum Super Real Adventure Offroad 2010 Seri 2 akan digelar di Sirkuit Gedongombo Semanding Tuban tanggal 22-23 Mei 2010.Pendaftaran sudah dibuka sejak tanggal 10 Mei yang lalu dan akan ditutup tanggal 20 Mei [...]
More about → Djarum Super 4x4 Real Adventure Offroad 2010 Seri 2
Posted by
Masifud on Thursday, May 27, 2010Wednesday, May 26, 2010Monday, May 17, 2010Wednesday, May 12, 2010Saturday, May 8, 2010Thursday, May 6, 2010

Ya, mobil ini memang benar-benar panjang, dengan konfigurasi 6 pintu. Sehingga kini panjangnya menjadi 5,98 meter, yang berarti 1,11 meter lebih panjang dari versi E Klasse standar. (Dok Binz).
Pabrikan Jerman Mercedes-Benz [...]
More about → Limusin Mercy E Klasse
Posted by
djepok on Thursday, May 27, 2010Wednesday, May 26, 2010Monday, May 17, 2010Wednesday, May 12, 2010Saturday, May 8, 2010Thursday, May 6, 2010

VIVAnews - Hewlett-Packard baru saja meluncurkan tiga buah printer tinta multi fungsinya ke pasaran. Tiga printer All-in-One yang menyasar untuk perusahaan itu, adalah HP Officejet 6500, HP Officejet 4500, dan HP Photosmart [...]
More about → Printer Tinta Multifungsi Ramah Lingkungan
Posted by
djepok on Thursday, May 27, 2010Wednesday, May 26, 2010Monday, May 17, 2010Wednesday, May 12, 2010Saturday, May 8, 2010Thursday, May 6, 2010

VIVAnews - Sekitar 500 mobil Volkswagen (VW) berbagai varian akan meramaikan Achtung VW 4 yang akan dilaksanakan di Bandung, Minggu 9 Mei 2010. Sebanyak 12 mobil di antaranya merupakan VW Karmann Ghia, jenis VW langka yang [...]
More about → 12 VW Karmann Ghia Kumpul di Bandung
Posted by
djepok on Thursday, May 27, 2010Wednesday, May 26, 2010Monday, May 17, 2010Wednesday, May 12, 2010Saturday, May 8, 2010Thursday, May 6, 2010

VIVAnews – Koreksi kecil pada pasar otomotif pada April 2010 dimanfaatkan Toyota sebagai momen untuk menggairahkan pasar dengan menghadirkan varian Avanza 1.3 E dengan transmisi otomatis. Varian yang telah lama ditunggu [...]
More about → Avansa Matic Di Luncurkan
Posted by
djepok on Thursday, May 27, 2010Wednesday, May 26, 2010Monday, May 17, 2010Wednesday, May 12, 2010Saturday, May 8, 2010Thursday, May 6, 2010

KapanLagi.com - Masih ingat Mazda Nagare yang muncul di Los Angeles Auto Show tahun 2006 lalu? Melihat konsep yang ditawarkan, sepertinya Hyundai i-flow Concept ini meniru konsep 'mengalir' yang ditawarkan Nagare saat itu. [...]
More about → Sekilas Hyundai i-flow Concept